Portfolio Saraha Yoga Afford Web Design BuryStEdmunds

Saraha Yoga

Empowering Real Yoga for Real People – Saraha Yoga’s Website Success Story


Saraha Yoga is a small group yoga practice located in Bradfield St George near Bury St Edmunds. The studio offers a unique approach to yoga, providing real yoga for real people. Sarah, the founder of Saraha Yoga, believes that yoga should be accessible to everyone, regardless of their experience level or physical abilities. That’s why she offers classes adapted to each client’s abilities with lots of laughter.

Sarah approached me as a website developer to create a website that would tell her story of finding yoga and grow her class bookings. The goal was also to provide a tool for clients to book yoga classes online easily. The website was designed with a focus on simplifying navigation so that visitors could find the information they need quickly and easily. The messaging on the website inspires visitors to book their first or ongoing classes by highlighting the benefits of yoga and the unique approach that Saraha Yoga offers.

Overall, Saraha Yoga, with the help of Afford Web Design’s web design services for small business, has established a warm and inclusive atmosphere that inspires clients to adopt yoga as a lifestyle. The studio’s approach to yoga, coupled with its user-friendly website and convenient online booking system, has made it a preferred destination for yoga enthusiasts in the Bradfield St George and Bury St Edmunds region.

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