Does your small business need a website?

does small business need a website Afford Web Design

Does your small business need a website?

7 Reasons why small business need a website

If you’re a small business owner who’s been pondering over whether or not to create a website for your business, look no further. The answer is simple: every small business needs a website.

Having a professionally designed, lead-generating website can help set you apart from your competitors and make it easier for potential customers to discover your products or services. While social media platforms can be useful, having a website serves as a central hub where customers can find all the information they need about your business and contact you easily.

At Afford Web Design, I strongly recommend creating a website for your small business, and in this blog, I’ll explain why every small business need a website.

1. Customers Expect Businesses to Have Websites: Why Having an Online Presence is Crucial for Your Business

In this digital age, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to do business with a company that doesn’t have a strong online presence. With approximately 41.8 million daily web users in the UK, it’s no surprise that most consumers do their research online before making a purchase. Whether it’s from a chain store or a local shop, customers prefer to conduct contactless online research and shopping.

Without a website, your business may be sending the message that you’re not interested in attracting new customers. Worse yet, you may not even know that potential customers are looking for you online because you haven’t created a website for them to find you. Ultimately, having a website is crucial for any business that wants to stay competitive and relevant in today’s digital marketplace.

2. You Can Control Your Business Information and Branding with a Website

Although small businesses can operate solely from a Facebook page or other social media platforms, with features like establishing a name, location, description, and receiving customer reviews, wouldn’t you prefer to have complete control over how your company is presented to the public or within your industry? That’s why businesses have websites.

Having a website creates an official online presence that’s controlled by you. You have full control over your web design, marketing, branding, logos, and other related information. With a website, you can present your website and business to customers exactly as you envision it, without the branding of Facebook or other social media platforms. So, instead of relying solely on social media, take control of your online presence with a website for your small business.

3. Boost Your Business’s Credibility and Trustworthiness with a Professional Image

In today’s digital age, having a website is crucial for establishing credibility and trust with potential customers. Without a website, a company can appear outdated and untrustworthy, causing many consumers to look elsewhere for their needs. On the other hand, a well-designed and up-to-date website can increase a business’s credibility and showcase its commitment to providing visitors with the information they need. However, it’s important to ensure that your website is not only modern and informative but also user-friendly, as customers are highly discerning when it comes to online purchases. Incorporating various trust indicators on your website can also boost credibility and further establish your business as a reliable and trustworthy option.

4. Effortlessly Sell Your Products and Services: Streamline Your Business with a Website

Irrespective of whether you run a brick-and-mortar store or a high-tech e-commerce business, a website can provide immense value in terms of selling your products or services online with minimal effort on your part. In the event of the need to shut down in-person operations, online sales can serve as a source of supplemental income. Moreover, a website can attract new customers to your business via search engines or social media. If you choose to sell through your website, you can even offer convenient options such as curbside or local pickup, eliminating the hassle of shipping.

5. Save Money with a Website: A More Affordable Alternative to Traditional Advertising

Small businesses that lack a website usually resort to traditional advertising methods like the Yellow Pages to attract customers. However, the cost of these ads often outweighs their benefits. Moreover, with the Yellow Pages becoming entirely digital in the UK, the market has continued to evolve. Fortunately, web hosting services like Google, GoDaddy, and other platforms offer affordable domain registration packages that seldom exceed £10.88 per month. While it’s crucial to factor in the monetary and time costs of designing a website or hiring a web designer, the overall cost of having a website is usually much cheaper than running a Yellow Pages ad.

6. Keep Your Content Fresh: Updating Your Website Is Easier Than You Think!

There are many business owners who feel that having a website is just too much hassle to keep up with. Some of them may have attempted to create their own website but found it too complex, while others may have hired a web developer who left them with little information on how to maintain their website. And for some, the entire process of going online can be quite frustrating and overwhelming.

However, creating and maintaining a website is now easier than ever. Nowadays, web designers are aware that the internet is constantly evolving, and they strive to make the process as simple and user-friendly as possible. If you hire a professional to build your custom website, they will typically provide their contact information so you can easily reach out to them for questions or revisions.

Furthermore, some designers provide their clients with the resources and tools needed to update their websites on their own. With a WordPress website you get an easy-to-use interface that allow you to make updates to your website quickly and easily, such as changing your store hours or adding new content. At Afford Web Design, I provide all clients with log in details and a guide on how to make changes to their website, while also being available to provide assistance for any difficult or time-consuming tasks.

7. Discover Potential Customers Nearby or Far Away

Whether you’re targeting a local audience or hoping to reach a global customer base, having a responsive website for your business can be an effective way to find and connect with potential customers around the world. While local ads in the newspaper can be helpful, they only reach a limited number of people, whereas the internet provides a platform for businesses to connect with customers globally.

Even if you’re primarily focused on local clients, having a website can help you attract customers from nearby areas who are searching for businesses like yours on Google. For instance, if you run a plumber business in Stowmarket, your website can attract UK residents who may be interested in your services. To ensure that your website is accessible to as many potential customers as possible, it’s crucial to have a mobile-friendly website, given that more than half of all web traffic comes from mobile devices.

Why Every Small Business Need a Website: A Summary of the Benefits

In summary, there are numerous compelling reasons why having a website for your business need a website. It’s essential.

  • Without a website, potential customers may question your business’s credibility.
  • With your own website, you have control over your business’s information and branding.
  • Plus, you can now sell your products and services online, expanding your customer reach.
  • Websites are also more cost-effective than traditional advertising methods, such as yellow pages.
  • And easier to maintain, even if you’re not tech-savvy.
  • Additionally, websites are valuable for finding and establishing a local customer base.

While building a website may seem daunting, especially if you’re not familiar with digital marketing, it’s still a must-have for small businesses. At Afford Web Design, I understand the importance of a website in gaining customers’ trust, and I offer web design services tailored to small businesses.

Don’t hesitate to contact me today to learn more about my website packages and how we can help you establish a strong online presence!

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