10 Essential tips for creating a great website

Essential tips for creating a great website in 2023

10 essential tips for creating a great website

Is your website in need of a makeover?

Having a website that is easy to navigate and draws in visitors can make all the difference! Follow these 10 simple tips for creating a great website to increase both short-term engagement with your site, as well as its overall reach. Plus Google will love it too – what’s not to like? Read on for all the details you’ll need!

essential tips for creating your website in 2023

How to get the most out of your web design

  1. Target audience

    Creating a website that speaks to the right audience is essential. Discover who you want your message to resonate with, so you can make sure every element of your online presence connects in meaningful ways!

  2. Clear branding

    Your branding is a crucial part of keeping your company recognisable! Using the same graphics and language across all channels helps to create an image that customers can remember.

  3. Website content

    Having a great website is the key to success in today’s market! It should have informative texts, eye-catching graphics and other elements that will draw potential customers in. Everything must work together for maximum impact – so make sure each part of your web presence does its job effectively!

  4. Clear call to action

    Make sure your audience knows what to do next! Give them a friendly nudge and let them know how easy it is to take the desired action on your website. Nothing beats giving clear instructions for getting started quickly!

  5. Responsive website design

    Ensure your content looks amazing on any device with responsive website design! Avoid the frustration of creating multiple versions for different screen sizes and make sure all users can experience it optimally.

  6. Clear contact details

    Help your customers stay connected! Make sure your contact page has all the essentials: phone, address and a handy form for easy messaging. Make it easy for customers to ask questions. Show that you are there to help!

  7. Easy website navigation

    Having a website that’s easy to navigate is key for any visitor – it helps create an enjoyable experience and boosts confidence in your business.

  8. Website security

    Protect your website and build trust with visitors by implementing encryption and an SSL certificate. Don’t let security concerns jeopardize the success of your online presence!

  9. SEO

    Make sure you have a website that stands out! Use targeted keywords and the right styling to help Google find your business more easily. With proper SEO and local SEO (search engine optimisation), you’ll send customers your way in no time.

  10. A website that can grow with your business

    Make sure you have the perfect website that can keep up with all of your growth! It’s the key to success, giving you plenty of space and capabilities so nothing stands in between you and potential customers.

There you have it, my 10 essential tips for creating a great website in 2023.

Have you got a website? Is it performing well for your business? Or is it time to make improvements or redesign your website to turn it into a productive marketing tool in 2023. You can check out my designs for websites for small business services and get in touch with me if you want to talk about the best option for you.

If you’re thinking, I’m looking for a web designer near me, why not get in touch!